This is a great app for kids, it has nice animation and animals that make learning fun for my little brother. Also the sounds are really good. I think this is one of the best app for learning. Recommended
This is a great app for kids, it has nice animation and animals that make learning fun for my little brother. Also the sounds are really good. I think this is one of the best app for learning. Recommended
Loved this app. My daughter is 2 and was hooked to sitting, watching, and repeating the letters. She loved the reward of seeing the animation after I touched the letter once she repeated it. Great app!!!
Application with beautiful design and graphics, but does not work correctly in the first iPads (application sometimes turns off)
I love this app. Got on here to send to a friend and noticed it says 2-7. This app taught my 1.5 year old her letters.
i try to stay away from electronic parenting, but this is a no-guilt app! my 2 yo now points out letters correctly in many contexts. this app is beautiful and works great. thanks!
I am so excited to test this app with my students. Many of them, ages 4-7, still have difficulty with letter sounds. This looks like a very engaging, interesting app for them to build confidence with. I love the silly clay animals. Well done!
He can now recognize his alphabet and the animals associated with the letter. Hes mastered all the games and continues to enjoy the app.
My daughter learned ABC through this App! The best ABC app i would say! Cant describe how good is this Animals to learn too! I wish or I pray that Developers make Numbers app soon! 1⃣2⃣3⃣
We have had this app for over a year and our daughter still loves it! It is fun how they incorporate the letters, animals and song together. Shes able to pick out letters to discuss and as shes gotten older she likes to me to tell her which letters to see. Currently looking for a number app by this same maker because we love it that much!
Letters J and K in Silly Words game dont repeat your voice like the other letters. My autistic daughter loves this app, but the bug is driving her nuts-please fix ! Thank you!